Our vision is to drive end-to-end automation of the contracting process to enable large volumes and drive seamless experience

CEO, Contracting Firm

Client Situation

  • Equipment maintenance contracting firm sought wanted to improve their service quoting and contracting process to increase time-to –revenue for their business. 
  • Our diagnostics established that commercial team spent over 70% of their time in reading existing contract terms, so that they could build the first offer, and after negotiations, it took paralegal teams 70% of their time again to read the old contract teams to prepare a draft contract.
  • In the first phase, the goal was to accelerate current state contracting speed to drive additional volume (directly leading to increased revenues) by creating an AI copilot that augmented the contracting analysts by using LLMs to read and process service contracts, reducing cumbersome manual process and improving contracting speed.

How we added Value

  • DAMIA: We leveraged Damia to rapidly analyze the data from the CPQ, CRM & Contract Management systems, and establish the paths of delay to revenue.
  • The insights helped us understand critical paths, and build enhanced Prompts along-with RAG capabilities to quickly extract required entities for the paralegal team. The whole system had API integration to pipeline real-time data through a two-way interface so that paralegal could continue to work on their current Contract management system.
  • The paralegal copilot not only extracted the needed entities but also quoted the text main body for paralegal to review and approve the entities rapidly


30% Decrease in contract processing time contributed to cost savings

~$5M Additional value of contracts processed YoY